We appreciate the time and energy people put into making suggestions for our current and future games. Our company policy, however, prevents us from accepting for review any unsolicited ideas. Often in our industry, an idea being submitted will be identical or similar to one already used by other companies, or already being independently developed by or for a company. Therefore, Blizzard Entertainmentо has adopted the unalterable policy of refusing to accept or look at any unsolicited submissions or ideas.
What is Blizzard Entertainment'sо copyright / trademark policy for the Internet, specifically for fan sites? Can I use Blizzard Entertainment'sо images, text, or sound on my web page? Is it okay if I use screenshots I take in-game on my web page?
Yes, within certain limits. We asked our legal department to provide some guidelines for you, and here is what they said:
Blizzard Entertainmentо hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non- assignable license to use and display, for home, noncommercial, and personal use only, one copy of any material and/or software that you may download from this site, including, but not limited to, any files, codes, audio, or images incorporated in or generated by the software (collectively the "Downloaded Content") provided, however, that you must include or maintain all copyright and other notices contained or associated with such Downloaded Content. You acknowledge and agree that you may not sublicense, assign or otherwise transfer this license or the Downloaded Content and that no title to the Downloaded Content has been or will be transferred to you from Blizzard Entertainmentо or anyone else. You also agree that you will not alter, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise modify the Downloaded Content.
Also, we reserve the right to revoke this limited use license at any time, for any reason, and at the sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainmentо. You may not use our materials on sites that feature defamatory pornographic, or inflammatory content, including, but not limited to, hacks and cheats for any of our games or any other content that Blizzard Entertainmentо find objectionable or unlawful.
Are there any legal notices and disclaimers that I need to have on my site when talking about your products?
Yes. You must include all copyright, trademark and other notices as appropriate. Appropriate notices can be acquired from here.
Can I register a domain names containing some portion of your product names such as "star-craft.com" or "war-craft.com?"
Blizzard Entertainmentо does not condone the use of our product names in other domain names. We are concerned that such use could cause confusion for our customers who may assume that the domain is associated with Blizzard Entertainmentо.
Can I put your patches and demos on my web site for download?
Yes. We allow non-commercial mirroring of our patches and demos, so long as you do not alter the patches or demos in any way, and all files included with the original patch or demo are present and intact. Blizzard Entertainmentо reserves the right to refuse permission to host or distribute our patches and demos to anyone, for any reason, at any time.
Can I put my own "home-made" maps on my web site for download?
Yes, we encourage players to create maps and trade them on the Internet so long as they are not for sale or profit, nor any other commercial purpose as defined solely by Blizzard Entertainmentо.
Can I put your "Maps of the Week" on my web site for download?
No. These maps are created as a service to our customers, and are available exclusively from www.battle.net.
Can I translate your site into another language if no such site exists?
No. Aside from the confusion it might cause our customers, we would have no control over the quality, accuracy or content of such translated sites.
Can I make add-ons or expansions for Blizzard Entertainmentо games? Can I sell them?
We do not allow add-ons or expansions for DiabloЩ. You may make and distribute StarCraftЩ and Warcraftо maps and campaigns that you have created yourself, so long as it is for personal, non- commercial purposes. Any such maps or campaigns would also be subject to the other terms outlined in our End User License Agreements included with those products.
Can I sell or charge for a CD or other media containing maps, add-ons, or campaigns found on the Internet?
Can I write novels, screenplays, theatrical productions or other adaptations based on your games?
No. Blizzard Entertainmentо reserves the right to extend and expand our properties to other media. We want to provide a consistent story and universe for our customers, and want to ensure that only the highest quality, officially licensed and approved material is created based on our characters and other creative properties.
Can I get authorization to do an expansion pack, novel, screenplay, theatrical production, or other adaptation based on your games?
Unfortunately, Blizzard Entertainmentо cannot accept unsolicited ideas or submissions. As a result, we will not be able to review or authorize any submissions related to expansions, novels, screenplays, productions or other adaptations.
Can I write music with samples or characters from your game?
We appreciate the creative energies of customers. Use of our music, sound samples, or characters from our game in your original compositions is limited for your own personal use and creative exploration. You may not sell or distribute for commercial purpose any music containing samples of music, sound or characters taken from our game. Any use of these materials would also be subject to the terms of our End User License Agreement included with each product.
Can I do a total conversion of your games?
Yes. We've seen some very polished and fun conversions for our games, and have no problems with total conversions so long as they are for personal use and do not infringe our End User License Agreement included in our games, nor the rights of any other parties including copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
Can I create and/or distribute hack and cheats for your games?
No. Blizzard Entertainmentо does not support or condone the use or distribution of cheats and/or hacks for use with Blizzard Entertainmentо games under any circumstance.
Can I host a Battle.netо server?
No. Blizzard Entertainmentо is not accepting requests to host Battle.netо servers at this time. Should this policy change in the future, we will make the necessary information available on our web site.
Does Blizzard Entertainmentо allow or support other Battle.netо like or emulation servers? Can I host one of these rogue servers?
No. Except as set forth in the next paragraph, Blizzard Entertainmentо does not support or condone network play of its games anywhere but Battle.netо. Specifically, you may not host or provide matchmaking services for any of our games or emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Blizzard Entertainmentо in the network feature of its games, through protocol emulation, tunneling, modifying or adding components to the game(s), use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose including, but not limited to network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks or as part of content aggregation networks without the prior written consent of Blizzard Entertainmentо.
At this time, Engage Games Online has a non-exclusive right to make Warcraftо II: Tides of Darkness available for play on its and its sub-licensee's game networks. Additionally, Mpath has a non- exclusive right to make Warcraftо: Orcs & Humans and Diablo available for play on its game network.