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Getting the message " was unable to properly identify your application version" or Patcher.cpp line 462:
This problem is normally caused by a virus called "Windows CIH."
To remove the virus and fix the problems it has caused, follow these steps:
Uninstall the game
- Click on "Start"
- Highlight "Programs"
- Highlight the game that you want to uninstall
- Click on "Uninstall"
Removing the virus
The following are links to a couple of the companies that make virus scanners.
Follow the virus scanner manufacturer's instructions to detect and remove viruses from your system.
Reinstall the game
- Insert the CD and click install. If the auto play screen does not pop up:
- Double-click on the "My Computer" icon
- Double-click on the CD icon
- Double-click on the Setup icon
- The install program will then give you directions on how to install.
Contact the Blizzard Entertainment Technical Support
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